Ronan Kerdreux (Studio Lentigo)

Studio Lentigo is a place for teaching and research. It was founded in this actuel functionnement by Marc Aurel, Ronan Kerdreux and Fabrice Pincin, who where met by Frédérique Entrialgo and for a time by Cécile Liger.

It is actually directed by Frédérique Entrialgo, researcher, Ronan Kerdreux and Fabrice Pincin, objects designers. Studio Lentigo is asking for the role and the meaning of « new technologies » in design projects and more generally contemporary art creation. By means of « new technologies », we want to speak of digital technologies related with representation of reality, tracking in space and time, computing activities and construction of digital spaces.Design is a contextual creation, that ask real, and of course apprehending it, practices, human needs and services.

Studio Lentigo is associated with the research team Insartis, that aggregate professors and researchers from three high schools : Marseille national high school of architecture Marseille fine arts school polytechnic school _ polytech'Marseille